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India’s employment challenge by Himanshu

The recent estimates of employment and unemployment from the 66th round (2009-10) of the National Sample Survey (NSS) belie any hopes that the growth of the Indian economy between 2004-05 and 2009-10 has been inclusive. Employment has expanded by only a million jobs during this period. Not only is this lowest ever growth recorded in any such period, the fact that it occurred during the period of highest growth in...

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Jharkhand: 2,500 NREGS wells subside in first monsoon by Manoj Prasad

The well being dug under the Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme at a cost of Rs 2.63 lakh at Gutjera village in Khunti district could not withstand the first spell of monsoon rain. On July 18, its walls collapsed, and so did the dreams of Shravan Mahato of reaping “three crops a year”. His isn’t the only well to have collapsed under the first brush of monsoon. Government estimates...

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Sighting land

-The Times of India   The unveiling of the draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill is better late than never. All over India, industrialisation and infrastructure are hobbled by land-related strife. Whether it's Singur in Bengal or anti-Posco protests in Orissa, such stirs are impeding development and spooking investors. Bringing in a set of predictable rules - any rules - is welcome in such a context. The Bill...

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'Give more compensation to tribals' by Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times   After farmers, the Central government is looking for a higher compensation regime for forestland acquired from tribals and forest dwellers for various projects. The move comes after the rural development ministry issued a draft land acquisition bill providing for market-linked compensation to farmers and the demand by tribal groups for a national policy on the rehabilitation of tribals displaced by large-scale mining across India to end lop-sided growth....

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Talk to farmers on Posco issue, Brinda tells Naveen

-PTI   Opposing acquisition of fertile and multi-crop land for setting up industries, CPI(M) leader Brinda Karat on Saturday suggested Orissa chief minister Naveen Patnaik to hold talks with farmers before going ahead with the proposed Posco steel project. “I have requested the Chief Minister to talk to the people who are likely to be affected due to Posco project. Unless farmers agree to sacrifice their lands, no force should be used,”...

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