While promising to release a sum of Rs 500 crore to keep the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) running in West Bengal at the earliest, the team from the Union rural development ministry that met the state panchayat minister today forced the state to frame a policy before disbursing further allotment to the districts under the scheme. The Central team, led by its joint secretary, Mrs Amita Sharma,...
NREGS: Activists demand action on anomalies
Activists at the ongoing mazdoor satyagraha near the Statue Circle here have demanded that the government first initiate action on complaints of anomalies which emerged during the audit of NREGS in the state and thereby set an example of a transparent system before discussing about the virtues of the rural employment scheme at the collectors’ conference here. They handed over a letter to chief minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday, pointing out...
More »No guarantees anymore by Sowmya Sivakumar
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, which has revitalised the rural landscape across the country, stands diminished in the land of its birth, Rajasthan, hijacked and held to ransom by vested interests and stripped of its backbone of an open social audit. As the Andhra experience has shown, there is one ingredient that can bring back its vitality: institutionalising citizen audits. But, is the Rajasthan government up to...
More »Lokpal system for MGNREGS to be introduced shortly
The Lokpal system will shortly be implemented in Madhya Pradesh for ensuring transparency in the work process of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNRGES). ''A separate computer room will be provided to each village panchayat building in 23,000 panchayats and job cards will be renewed to those MFNRGES districts that have completed five years,'' state Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Gopal Bhargava said at a meeting of state...
More »Let’s build on the positives
Good schemes, like technology, are never future-proof. They need to be tweaked as and when required so that they stay effective. Unfortunately, many feel, this tweaking of the UPA’s flagship scheme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), is not happening and slowly but surely we are losing the advances that had been made till now. At a press meet recently, rights activists Jean Dreze, Aruna Roy, Nikhil...
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