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India ranks 81st in global corruption perception index

-PTI The index uses a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean. India's score in the latest ranking, however, remained unchanged at 40. In 2015, the score was 38. India has Been ranked 81st in the global corruption perception index for 2017, released by Transparency International, which named the country among the “worst offenders” in terms of graft and press freedom in the Asia...

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'Two rotis and no one sleeps hungry': Hyderabad man's campaign completes a year -Nitin B 38-year-old Azhar Maqsusi is famous across the city and the country for relentlessly feeding hundreds of people every day. What do you do when you see children begging at a traffic junction in a crowded city? What would happen if you give them ‘two rotis’ instead of money? This is exactly what 38-year-old Azhar Maqsusi from Hyderabad has Been advocating for the past one year, with his ‘do roti’ (two rotis) campaign....

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Aadhaar no more mandatory for distribution of ration: Delhi govt

-The Indian Express "Delhi government has decided to stop aadhaar being mandatory for the distribution of ration, this was decided at the cabinet which couldn't take place at the Secretariat today due to protests," said Manish Sisodia. New Delhi: Amid a high voltage drama over an alleged assault on Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash by AAP MLAs, the Delhi government on Tuesday decided against making Aadhaar mandatory for the distribution of ration in...

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Indian Labour Conference Postponed After RSS-Affiliated BMS Threatens To Boycott Prime Minister Narendra Modi

-Outlook “BMS decided to boycott ILC due to the centre’s anti-labour policies," RSS trade union President said. The Centre has indefinitely postponed the Indian Labour Conference to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi after RSS trade union BMS threatened to boycott it over the Union budget that was “unsympathetic to labour and workers”. At the 47th ILC scheduled to be held on February 26 and 27, trade unions and employers were...

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The confusion over rural electrification in India -Dipti Jain Latest data as per the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana and the Saubhagya scheme shows inconsistencies in the number of rural households in the country The opposition has increasingly questioned the government’s record in rural electrification and alleged frequent shifting of goalposts. For example, the deadline for electrifying all villages now stands at May 2018, after missing the May 2017 target. While available data shows that the Narendra Modi government...

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