-Macroscan.org/ Frontline.in Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) launched in 2016 which is supplemented with Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS), have failed to deliver what it had promised. The number of farmers insured under this scheme has fallen and the claims paid to farmers has fallen from 98% to 61%. The scheme seems to be benefitting the insurance companies as there has been rise in gross premiums paid to...
The Government must establish a department of public health soon -Sujatha Rao
-Hindustan Times It will give the failing discipline the priority, energy and momentum it requires To eliminate tuberculosis by 2025, a decision to integrate the two vertically implemented programmes — tuberculosis with HIV/AIDS — was taken in March, and an expert committee was constituted to provide the operational strategies for it. The argument for this integration is unquestionable. When HIV/AIDS claimed 30 million lives in the 1990s, it was declared a global...
More »Agri infrastructure for farmers' welfare is a priority -Radha Mohan Singh
-The Hindu Business Line The Narendra Modi Government is committed to the welfare of farmers. As a result of this there has been a qualitative improvement in their lives. Taking a step in this direction, the Government has transformed the targets meant for the implementation of farmers’ welfare schemes in a mission mode and time-bound manner. The Government has been successful in bringing about awareness amongst farmers through new initiatives taken for...
More »Telangana's Rythu Bandhu Insurance Scheme Excludes Large Sections Of Farmers
-Newsclick.in Almost all the farmers from Sitarampur are not eligible under any of the farmers’ schemes in the state as they cultivate endowment lands. Ahead of the 2019 Assembly and Lok Sabha elections, the Telangana Government has launched an insurance scheme for farmers, termed as ‘Rythu Bandhu Bheema’, but the real cultivators – landless tenant farmers, agricultural labourers who are considered to be most prone to distress among farming communities are not...
More »People's demand forces the Jharkhand Govt. to discontinue the "cash transfer for food" pilot scheme in Nagri
The Right to Food Campaign Jharkhand welcomes the Jharkhand Government’s decision to discontinue the “DBT for food subsidy” experiment in Nagri. It is unfortunate, however, that it took almost a year of popular protests for the Government to arrive at this decision. The DBT pilot caused enormous hardship to the people of Nagri, especially vulnerable groups such as single women and the elderly. Protests began within days of the experiment being...
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