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Money doesn’t make the landowner fonder by EAS Sarma

The country’s first legislation on land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement is out as a first draft. Here is a sharp critique of the bill THE GOVERNMENT has made public the new Draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill, 2011, which FW has run in these columns over three days. This is what I think of it. In terms of the definition of public purpose, the Bill is more colonial...

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Change in land use to placate Noida farmers by Purusharth Aradhak

In a bid to settle the land acquisition row, Noida Authority on Friday issued a notice to change land use in Noida. The Authority has identified two pieces of land which will be allotted to farmers as developed land equalling 5 per cent of the total acquired and a b a d iland. The Authority will first allot land to farmers of those villages where housing projects are currently under way. TOI...

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CIC refuses to relent, asks SC to divulge details

-The Times of India   The Central Information Commission (CIC) has rejected objections raised by the Supreme Court directing it to disclose details of medical reimbursement of judges in the last three years and the rules relating to appointment of retired judges as arbitrators. Clubbing together three RTI applications of activist S C Agrawal, the commission also directed the apex court to disclose the list of all resolutions passed by meetings...

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Bank accounts must for MGNREGA beneficiaries

-The Economic Times   The government has amended its landmark Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) to ensure that beneficiaries receive wage entitlements under the Act within 15 days through institutionalised channels, like banks and post offices. The amendment to Schedule II of the MGNREGA now makes it mandatory under the law for state governments to ensure that every beneficiary has a bank or post office account and the disbursements...

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Deconstructing The NAC by Ruchi Gupta

The past couple of months have seen a renewed attack on the National Advisory Council (NAC). The NAC has been decried as an unconstitutional, undemocratic, “super-cabinet” where unaccountable “jholawalas” hatch harebrained schemes guaranteed to run the government aground. Another line of criticism has focused on the process of the formation of the NAC, its space within the Indian Constitution, and its capacity to influence policy. The two criticisms merge with...

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