Total Matching Records found : 24734

Collective farm gate procurement offers solutions to cover PRIce crashes -Ajit Kanitkar Farmer producer companies have started to play an important role in procurement from smallholders, which guards against PRIce crashes that has been plaguing marginalized farmers across the country despite record harvests The agricultural seasons of 2016-17 (Kharif and Rabi) have not been favorable for farmers across the country. In spite of the near-normal monsoon rainfall in India in 2016 coupled with record farm production, wholesale and retail PRIces for agricultural commodities...

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Flawed drug PRIce rules fleeced patients, helped hospitals -GS Mudur

-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's drug PRIcing rules allow companies to inflate the maximum retail PRIces of medicines, including life-saving drugs, costing patients thousands of additional rupees while offering slices of the profits to stockists, chemists, and hospitals. Quotations received by hospitals from drug companies' representatives offering discounts on maximum retail PRIces (MRPs) of medicines provide what some doctors and patients' rights advocates say is fresh evidence for excessive profiteering in India's...

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6,000 trees cut in Aravalis overnight -Shilpy Arora

-The Times of India Gurgaon: More than 6,000 trees have allegedly been axed in the ecologically sensitive Aravalis after the additional chief secretary (forest), in a written order, granted permission to clear the green cover spread across 52 acres of land. According to local villagers, six earthmovers felled the trees to clear the land near a PRIvate university in Faridabad within a few hours. "The work started on Saturday night and by...

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Ground water levels declining fast in Maharashtra -Zeeshan Shaikh

-The Indian Express The study compared pre-monsoon water level data for 1,487 wells selected from across Maharashtra with the decadal mean between 2006-2015. This study indicated a decline in ground water levels in 70 per cent of the wells monitored. Mumbai: The low intensity of rains across the state, especially in cities like Mumbai, may have led to consternation but Maharashtra faces a larger problem in the long run due to a...

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A Famine Of Ideas For Farmers -Sutanu Guru There simply are no easy solutions to the crisis in Indian agriculture, a product of decades of neglect and poor policies It is quite macabre, really — the barely concealed glee that seems to course through liberal analysts and intellectuals whenever it looks like PRIme Minister Narendra Modi is heading for trouble. Macabre, because as the latest series of protests and events centred around farmers show, it is as ghoulish as...

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