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Retail inflation for farm workers, rural labourers eases marginally in Aug

-PTI/ The Hindu Business Line Retail inflation for farm workers and rural labourers cooled down to 6.32 per cent and 6.28 per cent, respectively, in August compared to the year ago period mainly due to the softening of prices of some food items. Point-to-point rate of inflation based on the CPI-AL (Consumer Price Index-Agricultural Labourers) and CPI-RL (Consumer Price Index-Rural Labourers) was 6.39 per cent and 6.23 per cent respectively in August...

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Kharif area up, but rains hit standing crops in 15 states

-The Hindu Business Line Crops on over 21 lakh hectares damaged, Agri Min tells Parliament Bengaluru: Timely and quick spread of monsoon this year did help boost the kharif acreage, but the heavy spell of rains witnessed across several parts of the country over recent weeks are seen spoiling the party for several farmers this cropping season. “There have been extreme weather events in the form of heavy rains in some parts of...

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Desperate economic situation calls for immediate boost to government expenditure -Prabhat Patnaik

-National Herald Universal cash transfer to non-income tax households is imperative apart from covering investment on infrastructure, including social infrastructure like healthcare A striking aspect of the 24 per cent decline in GDP in the first quarter of 2020-21 compared to the previous year’s first quarter is the decline by 10.3 per cent in public administration, defence and other public services. This is a sector where the GDP is estimated not by...

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‘Bamboo shoots can be among cheapest immunity boosters’ -Rahul Karmakar

-The Hindu They contain 17 amino acids, 8 of which are essential: experts The tallest grass on earth at its smallest could be among the cheapest immunity boosters for increasing the human body’s resistance to viral attacks, experts have said. The bamboo, considered the grass of life in the northeast, takes care of almost every requirement from birth to death. But the focus of more than 25 experts from 11 countries who converged...

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Gujarat: Of Death Knells and Suicide in Surat’s Diamond Industry -Damayantee Dhar The financial crisis in the diamond industry in Surat has claimed the lives of 16 workers who have died by suicide. Earlier this month, an association president ended his life as well. Darshanbhai Rameshbhai Chaudhary, a diamond polisher by profession, had not had a job for four months. Day after day, he would stand at the diamond polishing hub in the Varacha area of Surat in the hope of being hired...

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