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73 Out of 80 Mid-Day Meal Samples Fail Quality Test

-Outlook Only seven out of 80 samples of mid-day meals served in schools under North Delhi Municipal Corporation in the last one year passed the minimum requirements for both adequate protein and calorie content. The figure was presented before the NDMC House during a special meeting today. Officials said the food was not found to be contaminated or adulterated but it lacked prescribed protein and calorie content. Over four lakh students are being served...

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Cabinet approves revised food Security Bill

-Zeebiz Bureau The Union Cabinet on Tuesday cleared revised food Security Bill which seeks to protect 2.43 crore poorest of poor families under the Antodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) by continuing supply of 35 kg foodgrains per month per family. The amendments in the Bill have been suggested after taking into account the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee. In the original Bill, introduced in December 2011 in the Lok Sabha, the government had...

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Agriculture growth declined in Maharashtra: Economic Survey

-PTI MUMBAI: The annual economic survey, tabled in the Maharashtra Legislature today ahead of the presentation of State budget for 2013-14 tomorrow, reveals a decline in agriculture growth in the state. "The agriculture sector growth has declined by 1.4 per cent, the growth of agriculture and allied sectors has declined by 2.1 per cent. The industry sector is expected to grow at 7 per cent, while the services sector is expected to...

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Centre plans to cut grain entitlement -Gargi Parsai

-The Hindu Despite severe opposition from civil society groups, the Union government has decided to cut the entitlement of a beneficiary to subsidised grain from 7 kg a month (as provided in the National food Security Bill) to 5 kg under the Public Distribution System, as recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on food. But it will continue providing the 2.3 crore beneficiaries of the Antyodaya Anna Yojna (the poorest of the...

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Finance red flag over 38% jump in food subsidy-Ravish Tiwari & Manoj CG

-The Indian Express The annual subsidy bill for the UPA’s proposed food guarantee law has been estimated at Rs 1,24,747.1 crore, 38.6 per cent over the budgeted food subsidy of Rs 90,000 crore for next year. An alarmed finance ministry is learnt to have red-flagged some major changes proposed in the original National food Security Bill, sources said. It has objected to the proposal to do away with the original categorisation of beneficiaries...

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