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World Trade Organization addresses India's concerns, issues revised draft-Surabhi

-The Indian Express Bali: In a landmark attempt to take forward the stalled Doha Round of global trade talks, the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Friday evening issued a revised draft of the Bali package that would address India's concerns on food security and take through the trade facilitation agreement. The draft has proposed an interim solution with a peace clause of four years during which a permanent mechanism will have to...

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India's tough stand at WTO conference can ensure food for all

-The Hindustan Times One man's fixation with rules can be another man's lifeline. Many international trade negotiators argue in favour of shooting down subsidies because it ‘distorts' trade. But the simple fact is that in a more-than-a-billion strong nation, in which nearly one in every three lives at subsistence level, one needs an effective and efficient method through which privileged tax payers can support the poor. India has rejected a proposal at the...

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Creating a transparent market for cotton growers-MJ Prabu

-The Hindu Appachi eco-logic cotton project is a unique organic cotton contract farm model in the Western Ghats region of Kabini Reservoir. The project covers nearly 1,200 Farmers spread over 1,875 acres. Over 17 per cent of the area comes under reserve forests of both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and exposing the cultivation fields to wild animal attacks is forcing Farmers to start cotton cultivation on a mono cropping basis instead of...

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Back from the brink -M Suchitra

-Down to Earth A Kerala village grows organic pokkali rice after 25 years Harvest of pokkali rice in Kerala's Ezhupunna village, which began on October 27 and lasted three weeks, was nothing short of a local event. After all, the indigenous, saline and flood-resistant rice variety was cultivated in the village after 25 years. People in the village had to wage a long battle to be able to cultivate the crop once...

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India needs to show flexibility at WTO's Bali ministerial as its collapse has long-term consequences

-The Times of India Commerce minister Anand Sharma deserves our sympathy. Driven by the way India's domestic politics is playing out, he is fast emerging as the person who has become the face of the country that, in Bali, threatens to kill WTO's Doha round after 12 years of fruitless negotiations. It need not be this way. India needs to show more flexibility at this moment as long-term consequences of a...

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