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Centre's Crop Insurance Scheme Fails the Drought Test, 40% Claims Unpaid -Kabir Agarwal and Dheeraj Mishra RTI data obtained by The Wire show that for the 2018 kharif season, total premium collected by companies amounted to Rs 20,747 crore while the claims paid totalled Rs 7,696 crore. New Delhi: Insurance companies have missed the deadline to recognise and pay claims worth over Rs 5,000 crore made by farmers under the Centre’s Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) scheme, according to data obtained by The Wire through...

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Dalit IAS, IRS officers say absence of quota in Modi govt lateral entry scheme is illegal -Sanya Dhingra Modi govt policy to induct domain experts into the civil service does not provide for quotas, a decision labelled unfair by Dalit IAS, IRS officers. New Delhi: The Modi government’s decision to not extend reservation to domain experts recruited in the civil service through lateral entry has irked several Dalit IAS officers and other civil servants — serving and retired — who argue that the decision is legally untenable. This is just...

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Arvind Subramanian's calculation of GDP is flawed too, says economist Arun Kumar

-Down to Earth He says neither the government not the former chief economic advisor include the unorganised sector while computing economic growth Noted economist Arun Kumar said former chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanian is correct in saying that the rate of growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been overestimated in the last few years. Subramanian's methodology to gauge economic growth, however, may also not be correct — both being indirect methods...

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Eggs likely to be on menu for pre-primary students in Karnataka -Tanu Kulkarni

-The Hindu DPI to submit proposal to State govt. Karnataka: The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) wants to replicate the food menu of children in anganwadis, which includes eggs, in pre-primary classes from this academic year, and is planning to submit a proposal to the State government. The government this year started pre-primary sections in 276 Karnataka Public Schools where all children are of the same age bracket as those in anganwadis, who...

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Shaky building blocks -Shailaja Menon The draft National Education Policy reinforces outdated ideas about the goals of a foundational literacy programme Many children in elementary classrooms across India cannot read and write proficiently, as demonstrated on an annual basis by the Annual Status of Education Reports (ASER). This affects other school-based learning, as well as functioning in societies and economies that prize literacy. Capabilities of young children It was heartening, therefore, to see a chapter devoted to “Foundational...

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