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The real questions from Kudankulam -Rahul Siddharthan

-The Hindu In an atmosphere of mistrust of the government, only an independent safety regulatory mechanism can counter the scaremongering against civilian nuclear power I work at an institution funded by the Department of Atomic Energy (which, however, does no nuclear research: the DAE funds a wide variety of institutions and areas in science). About a year ago, I had an e-mail from a journalist who wondered why scientists (including colleagues at...

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Plan panel, health ministry in turf war -Kounteya Sinha

-The Times of India Fireworks are expected at the all-important Planning Commission meeting, chaired by PM Manmohan Singh, on Saturday over the panel's latest move to take over complete control of the country's flagship National Health Mission (NHM). In what is being seen as the biggest push to privatize healthcare in India, the commission on Wednesday sent the health ministry a finalized draft, which informed that NHM is being made into an...

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School survey ties primary scores to caste -Basant Kumar Mohanty

-The Telegraph An NCERT survey has found children from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes lagging behind in education at the primary school level amid a national debate on reservation in promotions for them. The National Achievement Survey, conducted to evaluate the learning achievement of Class V students, found SC/ST students underperforming compared to general students (see chart). Over a lakh students from 6,602 schools in 27 states and four Union Territories were...

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India tops global list on child mortality: UN -Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times India has earned the dubious distinction of reporting most under-five child mortality in 2011 in the world, says a new United Nations global estimate on child mortality. The United Nations Children Fund report to be released in New York on Thursday says that 16.55 lakh children below the age of five died in India in 2011, almost six times more than the similar figure for China. About 2.49 under five deaths...

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Bill for land gives true value -Mihir Shah

-The Hindu The draft law on acquisition strikes a balance between development and justice for those who will be displaced in the process India is a rapidly industrialising economy and society with intense demands for better infrastructure from its people. The last 20 years have seen a great acceleration in this process, with India becoming one of the world’s fastest growing economies. However, for those whose lands were acquired for these purposes...

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