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PM sets record straight; here's food for thought, Mr. Gadkari by Smita Gupta

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh can be devastatingly polite: when Bharatiya Janata Party president Nitin Gadkari, who has a commercial interest in agriculture, wrote him a doomsday letter on the dire state of agriculture under UPA rule, Dr. Singh took a month to reply, but when he did, it was to tell the BJP president in excruciating detail about the rise in agricultural production during his tenure in office, which compares...

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Safety is at the core of Kudankulam nuclear reactors by M Kasinath Balaji and SV Jinna

The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) in Tamil Nadu has become part of the regular news in the recent past. Safety of the public has been given the utmost priority at all stages of the KKNPP construction, including from the selection of the site, designing the processes, and erection of the plant buildings and equipment. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, which has built the two Russian reactors at...

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Steel ministry for key changes in mining Bill by Sudheer Pal Singh

Against auctions for concessions, wants PSU reservation to stay and Centre's veto on mining rights to remain The Supreme Court might have made a case for auctioning of natural resources, but voices within the government do not seem in conformity with the apex court directive. The Union steel ministry has raised serious objections over the auctioning route proposed as the key reform measure in the new mining legislation. The Bill is being...

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The dream that failed

-The Economist   Nuclear power will not go away, but its role may never be more than marginal, says Oliver Morton THE LIGHTS ARE not going off all over Japan, but the nuclear power plants are. Of the 54 reactors in those plants, with a combined capacity of 47.5 gigawatts (GW, a thousand megawatts), only two are operating today. A good dozen are unlikely ever to reopen: six at Fukushima Dai-ichi, which suffered...

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Why rape victims aren't getting justice by Praveen Swami

In 1953, the authors of India's first-ever crime survey presented a grim picture of the state of the new country's police forces. “There has been,” authors of Crime in Indiareported, “no improvement in the methods of investigation or in the application of science to this work. No facilities exist in any of the rural police stations and even in most of the urban police stations for scientific investigation.” From the National Crime...

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