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Stamp of possibility by Bhaskar Dutta

An inquiry committee appointed by the Supreme Court to look into the functioning of the public distribution system has just Turned in a damning report to the effect that the system is riddled with corruption and has virtually collapsed in some states. This observation will not come as a surprise to most people. Indeed, it is not a coincidence that even the Central government’s own Economic Survey mentions the need...

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Lack of clean water impacts children’s learning and health, UNICEF warns

Many schools in poorer countries lack adequate water and sanitation facilities, affecting children’s educations and even claiming lives, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warns in a new report. “Millions of children in the developing world go to schools which have no drinking water or clean latrines – basic things that many of us take for granted,” said Sigrid Kaag, the agency’s Regional Director for the Middle East and North...

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What about the farmers?

While the government's recent clarification on the policy on foreign investment in wholesale trade is welcome, it needs to be complemented with a policy to empower our farmers to interact with modern, organised retail productively. Organised retail can catalyse a second green revolution in India when farmers become empowered to negotiate prices for their produce with retailers. The industry ministry's recent guidelines for wholesale trade, known as cash and carry,...

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Healthy fast food by Aparna Pallavi

It is popular in periods of Hindu religious fasting like Navratri. It is also commonly found on the shelves of health food stores. But for the tribals in the Sahyadri hills in Maharashtra, buckwheat is a way of life. Unlike in the hilly regions of northern India where kuttu, as the millet-like crop is called in Hindi, is found in plenty, spotting buckwheat fields can be difficult on the Sahyadri hills....

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Child rights panel to monitor RTE implementation by Aarti Dhar

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has been mandated to monitor the implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. A special division within the NCPCR will undertake this task in the coming months and a special toll-free helpline to register complaints will be set up. The NCPCR has invited all civil society groups, students, teachers, administrators, artists, government officials, legislators and members...

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