-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: Gujarat's cities will get cheaper gas. The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a Gujarat high court order passed last year directing the Centre to supply gas to Ahmedabad at the price it supplies to Delhi and Mumbai. This will have a direct impact on over two lakh vehicle owners including auto rickshaws in Ahmedabad alone where gas prices are way above Delhi and Mumbai. At the SAMe time,...
Middle class poised to play greater role in 2014 elections: Zoya Hassan
-The Hindustan Times In recent years, there has been a constant stream of international attention given to the Indian middle class. Thanks to the expansion of this class, India's image has dramatically changed since the 1990s. Instead of the narrative about grinding poverty, India is now seen as the heart of new capitalism that is associated with high rates of growth as well as the consumerist elite and middle classes. The...
More »Mihir Shah, Planning Commission member interviewed by Girija Shivakumar
-The Hindu Direct Benefits Transfer is potentially a game-changer, but with certain pre-requisites: Mihir Shah Planning Commission member, Mihir Shah, speaks to The Hindu about a wide range of issues, including the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and his contribution to the 12 Five-Year Plan. Excerpts: * The MGNREGA has come under criticism from many quarters, including the CAG. Do you feel this criticism is warranted? How do you...
More »Manual scavenging: The worst job in India; PS: it’s illegal too- Ashwaq Masoodi
-Live Mint ‘Give me any job... but please take me out of this hell', says 57-year-old Saraswati, a manual scavenger New Delhi: Saraswati doesn't remember the last time her bare hands touched the statues of the gods lying on a shaky wooden plank in a corner of her one-room house in Farrukhnagar village of Ghaziabad district. She doesn't remember the last time she prayed or fasted. She says every part of her body...
More »Why the land wars won’t end-Anumeha Yadav
-The Hindu Most of the acquisitions by the Central government and public sector companies in the country's resource-rich State are under laws that bypass the new land Bill The UPA has claimed the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (LARR) Bill 2013 passed by both Houses will reduce forcible acquisition and help tackle Naxalism in mineral-rich areas. But with Coal Bearing Areas Acquisition and Development (CBA)...
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