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India’s tough renewable energy targets -Athar Parvaiz   India plans to produce 160,000 megawatts of renewable energy by 2022 Financing, land-acquisition and proper policies are among challenges to the plans Government confident of financing by World Bank and multilateral agencies NEW DELHI: Financing, land-acquisition and lack of proper policies are among challenges to India's ambitious renewable energy projects, the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) run by The Energy and...

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A budget to transform -Pulapre Balakrishnan

-The Hindu In the present state of the economy, when there is excess capacity in manufacturing, adequate stocks of foodgrain and the inflation rate is trending downwards, there is an opportune moment for a public investment-centred fiscal expansion Over the past eight months, the government has issued some strong statements on the economy and taken some bold steps aimed at transforming it. As it prepares to present its first real budget we...

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Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh bats for GM crops -Tomojit Basu

-The Hindu Business Line Radha Mohan Singh, the Union Agriculture Minister, lent vocal support to genetically modified (GM) crops on Friday stating that technologically enhanced seeds could help India realise its food security ambition and believed it held great promise in minimising productivity losses particularly on account of abiotic stress factors like floods and drought. "While agriculture feeds the nation, seeds feed agriculture... Bt Cotton in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and...

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Understanding Leakages in the Public Distribution System -Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera

-Economic and Political Weekly   This article attempts to resolve the puzzle of public distribution system leakages using the latest available data. Leakages remain high, but there is clear evidence of improvement in recent years, especially in States -- including Bihar -- that have undertaken bold PDS reforms. The main source of leakages is the "above the poverty line" quota, which is due to be phased out under the National Food Security...

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'Changes in PDS may affect food security of half of Indians'

Any change in the Public Distribution System (PDS) needs to be undertaken with extreme caution since it is likely to affect the food security of 50 percent of India's population. This has been stated by National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) in a recent research brief. The note from NCAER is based on India Human Development Survey (2011-12) data. In the IHDS, nearly 42,000 households from 33 States and...

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