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Laggard in human index

-The Telegraph New Delhi: A UN report released today has ranked India 131 out of 188 countries worldwide on human development and has cited figures suggesting that about half of India's people face deprivation in education, health and living standards. Inequality, multidimensional poverty and gender gaps appear to be factors holding back India's progress on the human development index (HDI), a measure linked to progress towards a long, healthy life, access to...

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Government in talks with key stakeholders on plan to double farm incomes by 2022 -Sayantan Bera The broad approach will be to raise net farm incomes per unit by reducing costs of cultivation, increasing yields and ensuring higher market returns on the produce New Delhi: In a bid to draw up a plan on ways to double farmer incomes by 2022, the agriculture ministry is holding a series of consultations, seeking suggestions from stakeholders ranging from seed and fertilizer associations to research organizations and farmers. The wide ranging...

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Law matters, not PM's word: A-G to SC on note ban deadline -Utkarsh Anand

-The Indian Express "There is no question of PM’s speech...if PM says March 31, 2017 but the law says December 30, 2016, the law will prevail over the PM. Let’s be clear about that first," the A-G submitted before a bench led by Chief Justice of India J S Khehar The Central government’s top law officer, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi, told Supreme Court Tuesday that the “law will prevail over” Prime Minister...

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Aadhar to be made mandatory for filing I-T return, applying for PAN card

-The Times of India/ PTI NEW DELHI: The government has proposed to make Aadhaar card mandatory for filing income tax return and also applying for permanent account number (PAN). The new proposal has been made THRough an amendment to the Finance Bill. Recently, the I-T department had announced a mobile app for paying taxes and tracking of refunds. It had also said it was considering issuing PANs on real time basis using Aadhaar...

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Macroeconomic Impact of Demonetisation: A Preliminary Assessment -RBI The analysis in this paper suggests that demonetisation has impacted various sectors of the economy in varying degrees; however, in the affected sectors, the adverse impact was transient and felt mainly in November and December 2016. The impact moderated significantly in January 2017 and dissipated by and large by mid-February, reflecting the fast pace of remonetisation. The latest CSO estimates suggest that the impact of demonetisation on GVA growth was...

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