The government on Tuesday introduced in the Lok Sabha a bill aimed at preventing sexual harassment of women at workplace in various forms, including implied or overt promise of preferential treatment or threat or interference in her work through intimidation. The Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill, 2010, provides for mandatory setting up an internal committee by a company or any other institute to probe a written...
Farmers' meeting inconclusive
Nirani convened it in Alamatti on Monday The farmers' meeting at Alamatti convened by Large and Medium Industries Minister and district in-charge Murugesh Nirani on Monday failed to arrive at a consensus on the compensation to be fixed for the land to be acquired for the Kudagi thermal power plant proposed to be set up by National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) at Kudagi in Basavana Bagewadi taluk of Bijapur district. Demands As soon...
More »The Girl Who Was Once Nira Sharma by Sunit Arora
* Moved to London from Kenya in the 1970s. Schooled at Haberdashers’ Aske’s. Bachelor’s at University of Warwick. * Has three siblings. Father in aviation. Three sons from failed marriage with UK businessman Janak Radia. * India entry in 1995. Sahara liaison officer. India rep of Singapore Airlines, KLM, UK Air. * Floats Crown Air as MD in 2000, with sister Karuna Menon as partner. Secures FIPB clearance to...
More »India: The fight for disabled children's right to education by Andrew Chambers
Frustrated by the government's attitude to disability, an advocacy movement has sprung up in Madhya Pradesh, central India, fighting for the universal right of all children to attend school 'What are friends for? You listen for us and we'll see for you." The black-and-white photograph beneath the words shows a smiling boy with his arm around his partially sighted classmate. It encapsulates the inclusive education ideal – all children of all...
More »Informal literacy scheme takes off
Total primary education programme for school dropouts in 15-50 age group Education and Cultural Affairs Minister M.A. Baby on Sunday launched a new informal literacy programme which he claimed would gather momentum to become a mass movement in line with the highly successful ‘literacy movement' of the past. The initiative, ‘Athulyam', is a total primary education programme which has a series of linked schemes that aim to re-educate primary school dropouts. The first...
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