Expressing concern over the "menace" of corruption in the wake of a series of scams, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday said it demeans and dents India's image. "Corruption strikes at the roots of Good Governance. It is an impediment to faster growth. It dilutes, if not negates, our efforts at social inclusion. It dents our international image and it demeans us before our own people," Manmohan Singh said, addressing the second...
Public interest outweighs privacy concerns: Outlook by J Venkatesan
The public interest outweighs private interest and even assuming that there are some so-called private conversations in the Niira Radia tapes, their publication could not be challenged, Outlook magazine told the Supreme Court on Wednesday. In its response to the notice on industrialist Ratan Tata's petition questioning the publication of the tapes on the ground that his right to privacy had been violated, the magazine said: “There are no conversations that...
More »An aam aadmi sarkar fights the poor by Vidya Subrahmaniam
It is tragic that the same government that gives huge corporate concessions and loses money in corruption is fighting over minimum wages. As India's — and by some reckoning the world's — largest rights-based rural safety net programme completes five years, here is a reality check. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) has become the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). But in a monumental affront to the...
More »A platter of blather by Pratap Bhanu Mehta
The debate over food security is becoming an exercise in callow dissimulation, where we devote our energies to ensure that food security remains a mirage. The core objective should be simple. It is a scandal that after two decades of high growth, India still does not make adequate nutrition available to large sections of the population. There is simply no financial, technological or production related reason why this should be...
More »Navigators Of Change by Lola Nayar
As government, corporates seek to engage with NGOs, they gain new significance Brave NGO World? * The Planning Commission is courting NGOs for policy inputs, views on how to make plans work * NGOs and local activism forced govt to stall Vedanta, Posco plans * NGO opposition to snacks being served in schools changed plans to scrap hot meals * NGO have made the government rethink the Polavaram dam project ...
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