On Monday, the divisional bench of Bombay High Court recused itself from hearing a petition filed by Lavasa Corporation against the show cause and status quo notice issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The matter has been adjourned till the Chief Justice assigns it to another bench for hearing. The divisional bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice S. J. Kathawala were hearing the matter. On Monday, the Chief...
India Deals Face a Reckoning by Geeta Anand
Jairam Ramesh, India's environment minister, will make a decision in the next week that could define the future of the country: whether to approve a $12 billion South Korean-owned steel plant, the largest potential foreign direct investment ever on the subcontinent. The plant, proposed by South Korea's Posco, has been in the works for years. It already has been cleared by the environment ministry, which Mr. Ramesh runs, and endorsed by...
More »Posco India has to comply with CWPRS report: Orissa
Posco India would have to incorporate the suggestions made by the Pune-based Central Water & Power Research Station (CWPRS) in the detailed project report (DPR) for the captive port proposed to be set up at Jatadhari Muhan in Jagatsighpur district. "In 2006, the CWPRS had made a technical study on the impact of the Posco port on the possible threat to the operations of the Paradeep port in 2006 following the...
More »Lavasa petition hearing adjourned
The Bombay High Court on Friday adjourned the hearing of a petition filed by the Lavasa Corporation against the status quo and show-cause notice issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. It, however, did not vacate the stay on resumption of construction activities. The matter was adjourned till December 6. Meanwhile, the National Alliance of People's Movement (NAPM) has appealed to the court that their petition be clubbed in the...
More »Clearance for field trial of Genetically Modified rubber? by KA Martin
I have not received any official communication: Kerala Minister The proposed field trial comes at a time when natural rubber production has virtually stagnated In the face of opposition from the Kerala government to all genetically modified (GM) crops, the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) is learnt to have approved a proposal from the Rubber Board for conducting field trials of GM rubber. The GEAC has been constituted by the Union Ministry...
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