The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday moved the Supreme Court challenging the Madras High Court judgment striking down ultra vires the amendment to the Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education Act to defer implementation of the ‘Samacheer system'. The special leave petition directed against the High Court judgment dated July 18 is likely to the mentioned for early hearing on Thursday. On behalf of students and parents, caveats had also...
HC seeks Centre's stand on whether President, Chief Justices & Governors come under RTI
PANAJI: Bombay High Court on Monday asked the union government to file an affidavit as to whether top constitutional offices such as the President, Chief Justices and Governors fall within the ambit of Right to Information Act. The Goa bench of Bombay High Court asked Additional Solicitor General, Vivek Tankha, who represented the Union, to state the legal position regarding the President of India, Chief Justices and Governors; while state...
More »Tatas recount first ‘attacks’
-The Telegraph The Tata Motors counsel today told Calcutta High Court that the “first attacks” on the company came in the form of public interest litigations that had questioned the process of land acquisition for the Nano factory in Singur. “In 2007, several PILs were filed in Calcutta High Court challenging the validity of the process of land acquisition in Singur. The government and the company were made respondents (in the PILs)....
More »SC rebuts activism charge
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court has criticised those who raise “the bogey of judicial activism or overreach” every time the courts try to enforce welfare laws. A two-judge bench said the courts do not exceed their jurisdiction by hearing public interest litigations filed by NGOs and social activists on behalf of the poor and illiterate. Rather, by doing so, the courts fulfil a mandate laid down in the Constitution’s chapter on...
More »Talk of judicial overreach is bogey: Supreme Court
-The Hindu Judiciary has stepped in only because of executive inaction Rejecting the criticism of judicial activism, the Supreme Court has said the judiciary has stepped in to give directions only because of executive inaction what with laws enacted by Parliament and the State legislatures in the last 63 years for the poor not being implemented properly. A Bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and A.K. Ganguly pointed out that laws enacted for...
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