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Roadside doctors with no degrees thrive in India by Harmeet Shah Singh

Sitting on an iron bench along a busy street, Chaman Lal sticks his fingers into a mug full of a greasy concoction and then applies the dark-red brew to areas where his patients complain of pain. Lal -- who does not have a license to practice medicine, but claims to be a successful bone doctor and traditional healer -- says this potion of 18 herbs is a cure-all. His large signboard,...

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Workers plan massive protest on jobs, prices

The trade union leaders say workers will not stop work, but will attend the demonstrations before or after their shifts Millions of workers will be on the streets across India on Wednesday, picketing and holding rallies to protest rising prices and job losses, officials said, though there may be little impact on production. Four major trade unions, including those affiliated with the ruling Congress party and those with the opposition...

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The Phantom Enemy by Ashok Mitra

In their own manner, Indian Maoists have worked out the rationale of what they are doing. The grisly serial murders they are indulging in are, in the first instance, intended to warn god-fearing men and women in the areas they are entrenched in to behave and not act as police informers. Should their instructions be infringed, retribution would be swift and merciless. The brutal killings, specifically of CPI(M) cadre and...

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Move to take the sting out of the RTI

The right to information act (RTI) which is hailed as a great leap forward in the direction of transparency in governance is under serious threat. The UPA government that showcased the historical act as one of its achievements in the last Lok Sabha elections now seems to be bowing down to the system’s high and mighty by proposing amendments which seem designed to take the sting out of the people’s...

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Look East policy comes of age by Sanjaya Baru

The Indo-Asean FTA provides an opportunity to be more engaged with the region This is an important week for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Over the weekend, at the Fourth East Asia Summit in Thailand, he will witness the final fruition of the second most important foreign policy initiative he took during his first term in office — the India-Asean Free Trade Agreement. This should ensure he will be in better...

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