Total Matching Records found : 5845

To a Land of More Returns by Dipankar Dasgupta

Fairness in land acquisition is difficult to achieve A market’s charm, leaving out cases of distress sale, lies in the fact that it ensures for individuals the right to refuse unacceptable transactions. This observation, though pedestrian, has implications for the controversies surrounding the use of agricultural land for industrial growth in Bengal. Indeed, many — the present author included — have argued in favour of land acquisition through markets, for...

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Haryana poll scene awash with crorepatis by Sukhbir Siwach

Ahead of elections, Congress like all other parties has the aam admi on its lips. But most of its candidates waving the common man banner for the October 13 assembly vote are far from common. A survey of 489 candidates, about half of the candidates in the FRAy, shows that more than 50% are crorepatis. According to affidavits of candidates analysed by National Election Watch, a citizen action group working...

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New Script for India on Climate Change by Jim Yardley

NEW DELHI — When the United Nations convened its summit meeting on climate change last month, China and the United States, the two most important countries at the negotiating table, hewed to mostly familiar scripts, making promises without making too many specific commitments. Less familiar was the script followed by the third most important country at the table, India. India’s public stance on climate change is usually predictable — predictably obstinate...

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Sen and the art of justice by Kancha Ilaiah

It is well known that Amartya Sen is the greatest economist that India has ever produced. His credentials were well established even before he got the Nobel Prize. With his latest book — The Idea of Justice — he has also established himself as a world-class moral philosopher who could come up with great abstractions and generalisations that no other Indian thinker could achieve earlier. The Indian academia, so far, has...

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Maharashtra polls: all fronts and no back by P. Sainath

Will the Congress-NCP gain from a multiplicity of fronts which could dissipate the anti-Congress vote? Or will the Shiv Sena-BJP benefit from the Third Front’s cutting into the Congress-NCP vote?  Whatever the failings of Maharashtra’s political class, and these are many, a lack of optimism is not among them. Even after the last date for the withdrawal of nominations to the Assembly elections, there are more fronts, real and imagined,...

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