-Frontline Kerala is facing a situation where health care costs are leading more and more people, not just low-income families, to financial distress. KERALA is once again drawing attention to itself, this time for a persistent trend of a large number of households being pushed into financial ruin because of the expenses incurred for medical care. Several studies have now found evidence for the many facets of this worrying development in a...
A Rajasthan village which celebrates each girl child with 111 trees -Rakesh Goswami
-Hindustan Times Jaipur: The village is called Piplantri. It could very well be re-named ‘pi-plant-tree'. For, this village in Rajasthan's Rajsamand district celebrates the birth of a girl by planting 111 trees, a unique achievement in a state where female foeticide is rampant and the sex ratio is one of the most skewed in the country. For Piplantri, the international Women's Day on March 8 may not MEAn anything but for...
More »Budget silences -Bina Agarwal
-The Indian Express The budget aims at economic growth and social protection. This is welcome. So are provisions for financial inclusion, housing, water, sanitation and rural electrification. But there are also substantial cuts in crucial social sectors and key omissions that are likely to undermine its stated economic objectives. Consider agriculture, environment and women. First, double-digit growth or poverty reduction is unlikely without strong, sustained agricultural growth. In 2014-15, agriculture grew at...
More »In Delhi, 70% of accused in crimes on women go free -Richi Verma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: For every four Delhiites charged with sexual offences, nearly three go scot free. Figures from Delhi Commission of Women's latest annual report (2013-14) shows the acquittal rate in the capital for crimes against women continues to be as high as 70% even as the number of cases steadily rises. According to the report, released on International Women's Day, not only are women in the capital still...
More »44 per cent college students: Women must accept violence - Chaitanya Mallapur
-Indiaspend.org A nationwide survey on youth attitudes reveals mindsets that haven't kept pace with the changing times on issues related to gender and society India is a political democracy, but India's society is not democratic. That has been a hypothesis offered by many social scientists. Now there is empirical proof - from India's hope for the future, its school and college students. * 65 per cent school...
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