The land problem in Singur was a turning point in the political fortunes of both the Left Front and the Trinamul Congress. The story is far from complete, and the legal twists and turns between Mamata Banerjee and the house of Tata could unfold in surprising ways. The issue of adequate compensation for farmers, who had to part with their land, is still an open question to which many well...
Vigil over NREGA fund use in Nagaland
-The Morung Express The Government of India-nominated members of a vigilance committee has convened an emergency meeting for Tuesday, July 12 in Kohima to discuss issues associated with more than Rs. 36 crores central grants given to Nagaland under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). Members of the State-level Vigilance & Monitoring Committee nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India will meet at 10 am in Kohima...
More »Meet on implementation of MGNREGA soon
-The Times of India The Central Board for Workers Education (CBWE) will conduct a national seminar on implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ( MGNREGA) at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi on July 15 and 16. CBWE director Arvind Kumar Drave said that the seminar would be attended by representatives from various parts of the country. He told newspersons that CBWE was involved in the programme in order...
More »Agriculture blooming on initiatives galore by K Balchand
India registered a good 8.5 percent GDP growth in 2010-11 staving off the global impact of recession mainly due to the major recovery in the agriculture sector. The recorded foodgrain production in 2010-11 was the outcome of the initiatives of the state governments, the union government has now acknowledged. It was an innovation's galore to say the least if one takes into consideration the efforts of the 10 states that went...
More »Naxal fight takes development route
-The Times of India Maoist-affected districts across the country might have seen years of neglect by successive governments, but a new Central scheme - Integrated Action Plan (IAP) - under the UPA-II is fast filling up the 'critical gap' in those 'deficit zones' through taking up a number of development projects. As many as 67,072 basic infrastructure projects across 60 districts in nine states have been taken up at Rs 2,740...
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