-Press statement by Delhi Rozi Roti Adhikar Abhiyan (DRRAA) dated 27th July, 2018 The Delhi Rozi Roti Adhikar Abhiyan (DRRAA) is shocked and saddened by the news of the deaths of 3 minor girls in Mandawali, East Delhi due to starvation. As per media reports, the post mortem has confirmed that the children aged 2, 4 and 8 died of starvation. While further details about the circumstances are awaited and the...
Muzzling information -Anjali Bhardwaj & Amrita Johri
-The Hindu The RTI Act Amendment Bill must be junked The Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, has empowered millions of Indians to question Governments and hold public functionaries accountable. Of the nearly six million RTI applications filed every year in the country, a large proportion are by the poorest and the most marginalised who seek information about their basic rights and entitlements, like rations, pensions and health facilities. The use of...
More »The Numbers Hide The Story -Lola Nayar
-Outlook Social security enrolment of workers is not a good measure of how many new jobs are created Employment data has always been a subject of debate in India, more so now that the surge in social security enrolments is being cited as evidence to press home that 41.26 lakh new jobs were created between September 2017 and April this year. The Central Statistics Office data earlier this month raises more questions...
More »Biometric mix-up affects nearly 2 crore Aadhaar holders -Akram Mohammed
-The New Indian Express A recent internal communication between UIDAI officials had pegged that around 1 to 1.5% of all enrolments made in the last seven years have “mixed biometrics” BENGALURU: In February this year, a contract labourer in Raichur got his Aadhaar number after seven years of running from pillar to post. Mixing of his fingerprints with that of his son — for no mistake of his own — had cost...
More »PM's Irrigation Scheme Struggling, Only 10% Projects Complete
-TheWire.in Despite the agrarian crisis that India is reeling under, the parliamentary standing committee noted that the Government’s efforts in implementing irrigation projects has been ‘lethargic’. New Delhi: A report of the parliamentary standing committee on rural development has revealed that only 10% of the projects taken up under the watershed development component of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) have been completed. The report outlines that given that a majority...
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