Total Matching Records found : 12633

Alarming arsenic levels in groundwater in 63 villages

-The Hindu Bangalore: The State government has directed the Chief Executive Officers of Raichur and Yadgir zilla panchayats to seal over 100 borewells in 63 villages where the arsenic level in groundwater is higher than the permissible limit, by June 30. Rural development and Panchayat Raj Minister H.K. Patil told presspersons on Friday that water in 44 villages in Manvi, Lingsugur, Deodurga and Sindhanur taluks of Raichur district, and 19 villages in...

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Food Bill won't eliminate hunger, malnutrition

-The New Indian Express   There are no easy solutions to some of India's chronic problems, which need to be tackled in a holistic, multi-dimensional manner. However, the United Progressive Alliance government does not think so. It has hit upon the idea of enacting a food security law in the mistaken belief that it will address the problems of poverty and hunger. An article in the pre-eminent medical journal, The Lancet, should...

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Nature avenges its exploitation-Maharaj K Pandit

-The Hindu     The catastrophe in the Himalaya is the result of deforestation, unchecked construction of dwellings and large-scale building of big dams A week is a long time in the Himalaya. In the late 1980s, I visited Arunachal Pradesh as a young researcher, with a keen interest in photography. I walked into the middle of the Dibang river, hop skipping over boulders, until my local tribal guide ordered me to return immediately....

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Bill aimed at averting flood damage turns 38, as states prefer to claim cash bill

-PTI Even as floods play havoc in Uttarakhand, several states have opposed the provisions of a 38-year-old Model Flood Bill aimed at minimising losses to life and property in the natural calamity. The Bill, prepared by the Central Water Commission in 1975, will empower authorities to remove dwellings from flood-prone areas. States such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have opposed the draft Bill, saying rehabilitation of people who will be displaced...

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Why India Trails China-Amartya Sen

-The New York Times CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - MODERN India is, in many ways, a success. Its claim to be the world's largest democracy is not hollow. Its media is vibrant and free; Indians buy more newspapers every day than any other nation. Since independence in 1947, life expectancy at birth has more than doubled, to 66 years from 32, and per-capita income (adjusted for inflation) has grown fivefold. In recent decades,...

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