-The Economic Times The photo accompanying this article was taken in 2013 by Sumitra, an anganwadi worker in Bangalore. It was what the children lovingly called "egg day", one of the three times a week they are served boiled eggs. "Attendance soars on egg days," says Sumitra. When the picture was taken, anganwadis in Karnataka had just started providing eggs following the tragic news of a six-year-old girl in Bangalore who died...
Haryana to promote direct sowing of paddy
-The Economic Times CHANDIGARH: The Haryana government today said it will promote direct sowing of paddy in the state as crop plantation through this method saves water and reduces cultivation cost. "In Haryana, the Agriculture department will set up demonstration plants over an area of 32,000 acres to promote direct sowing of paddy during 2015-16," Haryana Agriculture Minister O P Dhankar said. Please click here to read more. ...
More »Community nurseries likely solution for paddy farmers if rains are delayed -Sutanuka Ghosal
-The Economic Times KOLKATA: Paddy farmers in the country may have to opt for community nurseries and direct seeding in case of insufficient rains by June 15, said Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI). Monsoon rains, which started a little late in Kerala on June 5, are yet to arrive in eastern India, the main area for rice cultivation. To review the crop situation, a team from the agriculture ministry will meet agricultural...
More »Rice cultivation method shows the way
-The Hindu Grains and vegetables are being grown with the technique used for paddy farming BERHAMPUR: System for Rice Intensification (SRI), a technique of paddy cultivation, is being successfully used for cultivation of other crops including vegetables by small farmers in Ganjam district of Odisha. Typically, the SRI is used for paddy cultivation to increase yield. But for the past few years the same technique is being used to increase the harvest of...
More »Unfinished work of equality -Govardhan Wankhede
-The Indian Express To improve the educational status of Scheduled Castes, a fresh understanding of their achievements and challenges is necessary. The concern of scholars, planners and policymakers has been to achieve the goals set in our Constitution: equality, justice and equal opportunity for all. However, in the period after Independence, it was revealed that education was not necessarily linked to social and economic development and the majority of Indians continued...
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