-The Hindustan Times The country's intelligence agencies are out to scuttle a law that's being drafted to protect your privacy. The Intelligence Bureau and the Research and Analysis Wing have told the government to water down the proposed law that makes it a crime to leak sensitive personal information collected by government departments and the private sector. The agencies conveyed their views to national security adviser Shivshankar Menon at a recent meeting at...
'Food, Glorious Food'-Anuradha Sajjanhar
-The Business Standard India has to come to terms with a growing obesity problem that is rapidly becoming a crisis Obesity, an epidemic often thought to be exclusive to wealthy countries, is becoming a rapidly growing crisis for India. The National Family Health Survey of 2006 revealed that roughly one in four urban Indians was overweight or obese, and several more recent studies indicate that these numbers are increasing. A new study...
More »UN entities say post-2015 development agenda must address inequity in access to clean water, sanitation
-The United Nations Member States must ensure that the post-2015 development agenda addresses inequalities that prevent millions of people from getting access to basic services, various United Nations entities today stressed. In a joint statement, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Friends of Water, and the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, urged countries to frame the...
More »SC/STs ahead of rest in child sex ratio
-The Times of India Latest census data on scheduled castes and tribes shows that the trend of STs having the best sex ratios, and SCs too doing better than the non-SC/ST population continues to hold good. The trend suggests that 'backwardness' may actually work in favour of gender justice, presumably by denying access to sex determination techniques. Detailed data on SCs and STs from the 2011 census, released on Monday, showed that...
More »Tractor Production and Sales in India, 1989–2009 -Anupam Sarkar
-Review of Agrarian Studies This paper argues that mechanisation of Indian agriculture, as measured by growth in the production and sale of tractors, has continued, although not uniformly, over the last two decades. While the last two decades were a period of slowdown in agricultural production, the data do not support a view of undifferentiated economic decline in rural areas. Our focus on tractors is justified as the Indian agricultural sector...
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