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SC asks Delhi HC to stay CIC order by Dhananjay Mahapatra

The Supreme Court has rushed to the Delhi High Court seeking a stay on the Central Information Commission's May 11 order allowing litigants to raise RTI queries on the logic behind judgments. How could the Supreme Court provide information under RTI on why a particular order or judgment was passed that went beyond the reasoning and logic given in that order or judgment, the SC asked. The CIC's bare-all order...

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It’s bloomtime now by Shashi Tharoor & Keerthik Sasidharan

In the 1920s, a young Tamil girl sang and starred in her school musical. It was, ostensibly, a private event with few outsiders. Yet so exceptional was her singing that Swadesamitran ran her photograph and wrote about the event. Seeing that photo in the newspaper, her household “was appalled” for, as the music historian V Sriram writes, “good, chaste women never had their photographs published in papers”. Today, this seems like...

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A frenzied media fails to use the RTI Act by Manu Moudgil

“Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders.” This quote by US President Ronald Reagan summarises the significance attributed to facts, figures and data and the need to make them freely available across servers and bandwidths. In this age of internet and mobile networks, the amount of information available to us is far more than...

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NAC draft Communal Violence Bill sent to Home, Law Ministries by Smita Gupta

The draft Communal Violence Bill, prepared by a Working Group (WG) of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC), goes beyond existing legislation in four significant ways: it recognises identity-based or targeted crimes and organised mass violence as special offences, while placing accountability of public officials at the heart of the law, with varying penalties for dereliction of duty. Finally, it provides for the creation of a National Authority and...

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World Bank endorses cash-transfer of food subsidy to poor

-FnBNews   The World Bank, like many analysts, is in favour of cash-transfer of subsidy for foodgrains to the poor in India. This suggestion was made in a recent report on Social Protection for a Changing India, drafted by the World Bank for the Government of India. Using the National Sample Survey data, the report stated that the Public Distribution System (PDS) continued to absorb substantial public resources at almost 1 per...

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