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Aadhaar can fix Kotkasim-like problems: Jairam -Rukmini Shrinivasan

-The Times of India Is Aadhaar the difference between what happened in Kotkasim and what could have been? That's the stand the government is taking, but the critics of the Unique Identification (UID) disagree. After TOI wrote on Sunday of how payment delays were threatening to undo a pilot programme in which cash is transferred to a person's account in place of the kerosene subsidy in Kotkasim, Rajasthan, rural development minister Jairam...

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Election Commission to rule today on government's cash transfer scheme -Abhinav Bhatt

-NDTV The Election Commission will decide today whether the government violated the rules by announcing a major overhaul of India's welfare system while Gujarat is in the midst of elections. The opposition BJP has complained that the announcement of the direct cash transfer scheme violates the model code of conduct, which kicks in as soon as elections are announced and forbids parties and candidates from sharing decisions or policies that could influence...

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Socialism, Cash Down-Uttam Sengupta and Arindam Mukherjee

-Outlook Its ploy of Aadhar-hinged cash transfer may have won the Congress political points, but will it really be a game-changer?   State-Wise     40% of the 22 crore Aadhar numbers are in Andhra Pradesh (4.7 crore) and Maharashtra (4 crore)     20% is what the two politically sensitive, Congress-ruled states account for of the 51 districts where DCT will be rolled out     55 lakh Aadhar numbers in TMC-run West Bengal. BJP-ruled Gujarat (57...

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Oil That Never Caught Fire -Pragya Singh

-Outlook A scheme to credit kerosene subsidies to beneficiaries’ accounts flopped real big in Rajasthan Dharamvir Chaudhary’s fair price shop in Kot Kasim, Rajasthan, is deserted. A year ago the tehsil played host to an experiment by the government: residents were asked to buy kerosene—a fuel most of India’s poor use to cook and light lamps—at market price (Rs 50 a litre) from shops like Dharamvir’s. People were promised that the...

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Identify this-Ila Patnaik

-The Indian Express Financial justification for Aadhaar doesn’t require it to cover entire population or have multiple uses Some people think of Aadhaar as a magic bullet for India. Others oppose it for privacy concerns. The government has showcased Aadhaar as a tool for targeted subsidy payments. As with all government programmes, the public should be sceptical, and the government must demonstrate through a cost-benefit analysis that the expenditure of public money...

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