-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Plants make food from carbon dioxide in the air, using energy from sunlight. So, if carbon dioxide levels in the air are going up due to climate change, plants should be making more food, right? Wrong, says a new study published last week in the science journal Nature. According to the study conducted by a team of US, Australian and Japanese scientists, carbon dioxide emissions are...
Young, unmarried farmers more prone to suicides, says study -Navrajdeep Singh
-The Hindustan Times Patiala: A new study on farmers' suicide has revealed that young and unmarried farmers are more prone to suicides. Increasing frustration among young farmers because of agrarian crisis is compelling farmers to commit suicides. Titled "Agrarian distress in Punjab: a study of suicides by farmers and agricultural labourers", the study concludes that half of the farmers who committed suicides are below the age of 35 years and out of...
More »A great leap forward for agriculture -Bhavarlal H Jain
-The Hindu Business Line A set of technologies that deals with production and marketing constraints can work wonders Indian agriculture faces herculean challenges today; yet, the near- and the medium-term outlook on agriculture and agri-businesses seem bright. Growing urbanisation and changing food habits, malnutrition plus declining areas under foodgrain pose a big threat to food security. Agriculture and food production are strongly influenced by international trade, credit availability, development co-operation, climate change and environmental...
More »Sowing Revolution -Milind Wani
-Himal South Asian Agroecology as an alternative to India's failed agrarian system. Last September, inflation, as indicated by the wholesale price index, rose to a seven-month high of 6.46 percent. Food inflation was at 18.4 percent, and was led by skyrocketing onion prices, which increased by a whopping 323 percent. While the Union Minister for Agriculture, Sharad Pawar, ascribed the phenomenon to nothing more than a seasonal shortage, practices such as...
More »Global food prices down for second straight month in May, UN agency reports
-The United Nations The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported today that global food prices were down for the second straight month in May and that the outlook for worldwide cereal supply has improved considerably since last month. FAO's Food Price Index continued its decline from the 10-month high it experienced in March, the agency said in a news release, noting that prices fell as generally ample supplies weighed on...
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