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Banking is a child’s play for these slum kids in Ranchi -Saumya Mishra

-Hindustan Times Ranchi: Bankers come in pint size at an urban slum in Ranchi. And they run a bank for the children, by the children and of the children. Ten-year-old Nisha Kumari has an account in the bank — Children’s Development Khazana (CDK)—which opened in 2014. And her small pleasures of childhood is not held hostage to the priorities of her poor family. “During Durga Puja last year, a few relatives had visited...

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Monsoon Deficit: Country Stares at Drought

-PTI New delhi: The spectre of a drought looms over large parts of the country with 40 per cent of its land mass receiving "deficient" rainfall. "As of today, 47 per cent of the country has witnessed normal rainfall, 40 per cent deficient and merely 13 per cent excess precipitation. The overall deficiency has increased to 12 per cent," India Meteorological Department said, adding with the southwest monsoon expected to start withdrawing...

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Marathwada: India’s emerging farmer suicide capital -Kavitha Iyer

-The Indian Express As many parts of the country reel under a back-to-back drought, Kavitha Iyer reports from the region that’s at the centre of the crisis. Weeks before hanging himself from a tree on his farm on June 1 this year, Kalyan Khomne, 55, read out a newspaper report to his son Shahdev. “It was about a farmer’s suicide in our taluka,” says 26-year-old Shahdev. His village, Nandurghat, and the nearby...

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El Niño strongest since 1997-98, monsoon deficit may increase -Nikita Mehta As of Tuesday, 40% of the country was rain deficient, even as the monsoon is expected to start withdrawing from northwest India this week New delhi: As India faces a monsoon rainfall deficit of 12%, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology on Tuesday said the 2015 El Niño is now the strongest since 1997-98. The temperature anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean remain a little more than half a degree below...

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Early exit of monsoon may cause trouble for northwest region -Madhvi Sally

-The Economic Times NEW delhi: The monsoon is likely to start withdrawing from September 1 from west Rajasthan, posing a problem for farmers in the northwest region which has not received adequate rains during the season this year. India receives 70% of annual rains during the four-month monsoon which lasts till September. Meteorologists said the monsoon is likely to begin its retreat over the next one week, unless a western disturbance brings...

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