What is rural and what is urban is largely an artefact of definition and relative. See the table below. Most of India's 'rural' population resides in villages that contain between 500 and 5,000 inhabitants. Some argue that in other countries, many of these villages would be classified as urban. These studies point out that if India were to be a little more liberal in its definition of urban areas (minimum...
Targeted PDS is a failure: Plan Panel member
-The Economic Times A day after the Work Bank marked out deficiencies in the country's public distribution system (PDS) for foodgrain, a senior government official has said that restricting public distribution to below poverty line (BPL) households has been a failure in India. "The mess in the public distribution system has been created by the notion that it is only meant for the poor. All problems of the current system are...
More »Sixteen countries pledge support for UN initiative to reduce maternal mortality
-The United Nations Sixteen countries have announced concrete commitments aimed at drastically reducing current levels of maternal, newborn and child mortality, the United Nations reported today. The commitments, largely in the form of specific budgetary increases for maternity and natal care, and promises of increased medical coverage for mothers and children, were announced as part of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, a $40 billion programme that Secretary-General Ban...
More »IT Act if enforced will leave internet use in India no freer than in China by R Krishna
The Centre for Internet & Societies (CIS), a Bangalore-based NGO, recently filed an RTI query with the Department of Information Technology (DIT), asking for a list of websites blocked by the Indian government under the IT Act. The department handed them a list of 11 websites. It was just one department’s list, but this was the first time such a list was being made public. “The information given was not...
More »Google opposes proposed Internet restrictions in India
-Headlines Today Bureau Google Inc has reportedly told Indian regulators in a confidential memo that the country's proposed restrictions on Internet content could seriously hamper its international trade. Google has so far failed to convince the government on these web content restrictions. According to the Wall Street Journal, the new Indian rules ban websites from publishing certain types of content. Also, there are specifications for the removal of such content within 36...
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