Total Matching Records found : 33358

Maharashtra tops in justice delivery, Goa among smaller states: Report

-IANS Uttar Pradesh and Bihar shared the last and second last spot among the 18 large and mid-sized states in the report. New Delhi: Maharashtra topped the list of India's first-ever ranking of states on justice delivery among the 18 large and mid-sized states. Maharashtra is followed by Kerala and Tamil Nadu, while among the small states Goa topped the list followed by Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh, according to the India Justice Report...

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Liberalising tenancy or grabbing land of the poor? - Vikas Rawal & Vaishali Bansal NSSO data shows that of the total land under tenancy in 2011-12, about 36% was taken on lease by top 30% landowners. The State in India, barring the Left-led governments, has never been committed to implementing redistributive land reforms and securing rights of tenants. After 1991, when India adopted the policies of liberalisation and globalisation, the government stopped paying even the lip service to the programme of land reforms as they...

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Big Data: Don't ask how much, ask what for -Swapnil Shekhar & Kaamila Patherya

-The Hindu Business Line Big Data by itself will give little insight, especially when it comes to consumption patterns. Indicators that help contextualise the information collected must be used Everyone seems to be talking about Big Data. Organisations across sectors are buying into the premise of data-driven decision-making and growth. Studies show that the overall adoption of data science and analytics at large Indian firms has been as high as 64 per...

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After four deaths in relief camps, Tripura's Bru migrants ask 'Where is the Right to Food?' -Debraj Deb

-The Indian Express Earlier on October 31, when the first casualty reports arrived, SDM Baidya said a local Primary Health Centre (PHC) pronounced the deaths were caused by ‘unknown diseases’. Kanchanpur: Thirty-four days back, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) stopped food and ration supplies for six Bru relief camps in Tripura’s North district as the ninth phase of repatriation of 32,000 migrants living here since last two decades commenced. But a...

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Give the Punjab farmer some time -Anju Agnihotri Chaba

-The Indian Express He will sooner or later adopt stubble burning-free technology. Imposing fines or filing FIRs is counterproductive. Jalandhar: Urban residents and the courts may fulminate, but farmers in Punjab and Haryana aren’t anytime soon going to stop burning crop residue from the harvesting and threshing of paddy using combines. They may well choose to harvest paddy with combines that have Super Straw Management System (SSMS) attachments and sow the succeeding...

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