Total Matching Records found : 9310

Rural job scheme gets hi-tech makeover in Tamil Nadu-R Vasundara

CHENNAI: Government officials in Tamil Nadu can now sit in their air-conditioned offices and keep tabs on clogged up water bodies and channels in remote villages using satellite technology. Criticized by many for corruption and inefficiency, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has been given a scientific make-over in the state with GIS (geographic information system) mapping being used to organize the works as well as to...

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Not a minor challenge by Mohammad Ali

11 children go MISsing every hour in India. This and other disturbing statistics cry out for urgent action Every hour, 11 children go MISsing in the country. Four of these remain untraced, concludes a nation-wide research on MISsing children. During 2008-10, close to 1,17,480 children were reported MISsing in 392 districts. Of them, 74,209 children were traced while 41, 546 remain untraced. The information has been collated by Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA)...

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The Man Who Wore a Sanitary Napkin-Elizabeth Kuruvilla

-Open the Magazine   Villagers saw him cleaning his undergarments stained with goat blood and thought he had a sexual disease. But Arunachalam Muruganantham was only trying to make a smart, cheap sanitary pad for his wife I am perhaps the only man to have ever worn a sanitary napkin. I am the only man who understands what a woman endures during those days. The wetness. The discomfort. The constant fear of stains....

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India’s low-carbon growth strategy-Nicholas Stern & Kirit Parikh

-The Indian Express   Rich countries must stop lecturing developing countries and accelerate their own efforts to cut eMISsions There is no shortage of people telling India what to do on low-carbon growth, but there is a shortage of understanding of what India is doing. Even the UNDP in its recent Asia Pacific Human Development Report urges emerging economies like India to do more for climate change. If one appreciates what India’s eMISsions are...

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JNNURM buses to be redesigned

-The Telegraph The shape and size of buses funded under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal MISsion are set to change soon. The urban development ministry is working on new “specifications” following several complaints about the design of these buses. The main problems relate to ventilation and cramped standing space. Another relates to the massive size of the low-floor buses, which work well for a city like Delhi with its wide roads but...

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