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Google External Lawyer on India’s Net Rules by Amol Sharma

Bangalore-based lawyer Sajan Poovayya is an outside counsel to Google Inc. and other Internet companies who have been sued in India for content on their Web sites that users or authorities deem objectionable. Having been through many such cases, he’s in a good position to assess how a new set of controversial Indian Internet regulations affect the landscape. His verdict: the rules are sloppy, vague, perhaps unconstitutional, and wind up exposing...

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Now, Access RTI data on the net

-The Hindustan   If you wish to investigate the proceedings of any redevelopment project but find it difficult due to the unavailability of City Survey number (CS no.), you can find the information with the mere click of a mouse. A few Right To Information (RTI) activists have acquired detailed reports of 1,365 redevelopment projects from the Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority (Mhada) and the civic building proposal department. The information is...

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PDS not working, shift to cash transfer: World Bank tells India by KR Sudhaman

India’s public distribution system has limited benefits due to huge leakage and wastage, World Bank said on Tuesday. It also recommended cash transfer as an alternative to provide subsidised food for the poor. “No country in the world has a well-functioning PDS system. India is no exception,” World Bank said in its report Social Protection for a changing India that was launched here Tuesday. “The public distribution system continues to absorb substantial...

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World Bank for PDS cash plan by Basant Kumar Mohanty

The World Bank has backed a controversial proposal to replace foodgrain allotment under the public distribution system with a system of direct cash transfer. The bank, which supports social security schemes in India, today said poverty reduction had been low and overall returns on spending to eradicate poverty had “not reached their full potential”. It attributed the low reduction to “high leakage” in the PDS system and its weak implementation mechanism. Earlier,...

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Sanitary napkins for rural girls from August by Aarti Dhar

Napkins will be sold at subsidised price of Rs. 6 per pack Ensuring better menstrual health and hygiene Safe disposal of napkins at community level The Centre's ambitious and much-awaited scheme of making available subsidised sanitary napkins to adolescent girls in the age group of 10-19 years in rural India will be operational by August. As part of promotion of menstrual hygiene, the napkins will be sold to girls at a cost of Rs.6...

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