Total Matching Records found : 6104

Victory! New toxic-free computer released in India

This is what we like to see: a true leader in toxics-free electronics showing giants like Dell and Samsung how it's done. One of India's relatively small PC manufacturing companies, Wipro, has beaten giants like Dell, Samsung and Lenovo to the finish line in producing a computer free of the worst toxic chemicals. A major first in India, the announcement marks another success for our green erelectronics campaign in driving...

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Richer India makes the world poorer: Economist by Rukmini Shrinivasan

Angus Deaton, the Princeton economist regarded as world's foremost authority on cross-country income data, has cast serious doubts on the World Bank's last upward revision of global poverty figures and India's statistics are at the centre of the storm. The world became poorer as a result of a combination of India's economic Growth and its low poverty line, Deaton, who is president of the American Economic Association, said in his...

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Jawaharlal Nehru’s Development Vision Has Been Widely Misunderstood

In the debate on development paradigm Jawaharlal Nehru is frequently presented predominantly as a strong advocate of heavy industry, large dams and big machines - someone who placed big hopes in modern technology. However, a more careful reading of several of his writings presents a different picture of a thoughtful mind troubled by several aspects of modern technology and industrial society, a mind which was prepared to go back hundreds...

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Government should have acted against hoarders: Abhijit Sen by Gargi Parsai

Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen on Monday said the government should have acted with more firmness against hoarders and speculators, to curb price rise. Dr. Sen said that whenever prices start rising some people see in it an opportunity to make money. The government should have acted against such a tendency with a firm hand. He was speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the Green Revolution II conference organised by...

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Cabinet clears Bill; emergency care to become mandatory for all hospitals by Aarti Dhar

For non-compliance, clinical establishments may face fine up to Rs. 5 lakh  Private facilities often refer accident victims to government hospitals to avoid legal hassles All clinical establishments will have to register with State Council The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation Act) Bill, 2010 — approved by the Union Cabinet last month — makes it mandatory for all clinical establishments to provide medical care and treatment to stabilise any person in an...

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