-The United Nations The United Nations agency at the forefront of the global AIDS response today welcomed new evidence which shows that antiretroviral therapy can help prevent HIV infections. Researchers from the Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies presented the results, which show that in areas where antiretroviral therapy uptake is high, people who do not have HIV are 38 per cent less likely to acquire the virus than in areas...
Rural health mission falls sick by Sulogna Mehta
A tank to supply drinking water has been under construction in a tribal village in Adilabad for the last 10 years. It still remains incomplete. The healthcare system and basic infrastructural facilities such as drinking water and sanitation are in pathetic state in rural and tribal areas, leading to high infant and maternal mortality rates, though Rs Rs 1,130 crore had been allocated by the Centre as National Rural Health Mission...
More »Near-record wheat production expected this year
-FAO FAO today forecast that 2012 world wheat production will be the second highest on record at 690 million tonnes and also announced that international food prices rose one percent in February — the second increase in two months. Published today, FAO’s quarterly Crop Prospects and Food Situation report forecast a 2012 wheat crop 10 million tonnes or 1.4 percent down from the record 2011 harvest but still well above the average...
More »Digital divide: IT boom in India left women behind, finds study by Himanshi Dhawan
As you scan a busy street or travel on a train, the ubiquitous mobile is everywhere. And yet, one of India's biggest success stories - the use of mobile technology - has reached women only partially. A recent study shows that 12% fewer women own mobiles as compared to men. The gender gap is even higher in internet use with women comprising just 17% of total internet users. Interestingly, 20%...
More »Steep petrol price hike in the offing?
-The Times of India With elections in five states out of the way, the government-run fuel retailers on Monday ratcheted up their demand for an increase in petrol prices by as much as Rs 5 a litre. The demand could leave the government with a political cleft stick, coming on the day Congress received a severe drubbing in the assembly polls. Piling losses of state-run firms appear to leave little choice for...
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