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Soften the harsh realities of farming -Satvinder Kaur Mann

-The Tribune Transformative approaches to agriculture are the need of the hour. For this, we have to impart climate resilience and rehabilitate economically stressed farming communities of agriculturally developed regions. Since more than two decades now, farmers have been committing suicides in India, a fact that reflects the harsh realities of farming. Most of these farmers were traditional family farmers, leading a lifestyle based on traditions and beliefs. The intensive commercial commodity-based...

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Newspapers only ‘on paper’ make a killing from govt. ads -Anuradha Raman

-The Hindu ‘Largesse’ for non-existent entities from DAVP It was a casual enquiry, calling up publishers of some “newspapers” across the country. To the surprise of the officials who made the calls, they were found to be existing only on paper. In one instance, the dialled number connected to a laundry shop and in another, to a call centre. Yet, with a claimed circulation of 25,000, these non-existent publications had the status of...

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Cabinet likely to give nod to real-time fund transfer for MGNREGA -Jitendra

-Down to Earth This decision is expected to address the delay in transfer of funds from the Centre to states A decision to transfer funds for India’s flagship employment guarantee scheme in real time will be taken soon. This is expected to end the procedural delay in fund transfer for the scheme to states, a factor known to be behind its poor implementation. It will enable states to get their share of...

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Goats and More: An anti-poverty guide for Narendra Modi -Prachi Salve   A chicken, goat or a similar “productive asset” or goods (such as betel leaves or vegetables) for a small shop. Training on using such assets. Money to reduce incentive to sell assets in an emergency. Frequent personal mentoring or coaching. Health education. Savings services for between 18 and 24 months. These interventions led to a 15% increase in assets, 26% growth in consumption and 96% rise in savings among the ultra-poor...

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Debt-ridden farmers 'mortgage' their children in Madhya Pradesh -Zain Awan

-Channel NewsAsia With untimely heavy rains in central and north India leaving hectares of crops destroyed, debt-ridden farmers in the central Madhya Pradesh state have resorted to mortgaging and selling off their children. NEW DELHI: With untimely heavy rains in central and north India leaving hectares of crops destroyed, debt-ridden farmers in the central Madhya Pradesh state have resorted to mortgaging and selling off their children. There were previously reports of distressed farmers...

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