-PTI Government has asked the CBI to probe alleged illegal activities of 24 NGOs which received funds from abroad, Lok Sabha was informed today. Minister of State for Home R P N Singh said different state police forces were also asked to probe into the alleged irregularities of 10 other NGOs which received funds from abroad. The Minister said altogether Rs 10,997.35 crore was received as foreign contribution by 23,172 NGOs across India...
Activists join hands to push ‘people issues’ with parties
-The Indian Express Nearly 50 activists and organisations are coming together on a common platform to lobby for “issues of the people” with political parties ahead of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. They include Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan’s (MKSS) Aruna Roy (a member of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council); former NAC member Harsh Mander; Ekta Parishad’s P V Rajagopal, who recently led a march of tribals and others from MP to...
More »ARVind Kejriwal ‘hijacks’ Cong’s aam aadmi
-The Hindustan Times Nearly 18 months after he brought corruption in sharp focus with his demand for a lokpal, ARVind Kejriwal on Saturday launched the Aam Aadmi Party, to take on the well entrenched political class on its own turf. The meeting was attended by 320 founding members of the party, which promises to provide more power to gram sabhas and revive the slogan of swaraj (self-rule), which was effectively used...
More »Cabinet to take up NIB proposal in 10 days: FinMin
-PTI Finance Minister P Chidambaram had recently proposed setting up of NIB under the Prime Minister to clear large projects The proposal to set up the National Investment Board (NIB) for expediting clearance to large projects will come up for approval before the Cabinet in next 10 days, a top Finance Ministry official said. "The inter-ministerial consultation on setting up NIB is over. The Cabinet note on NIB will come up for...
More »'No New Mobile Towers Without Following Guidelines'
-Outlook Concerned over the health hazards likely to be caused by cell phone towers, the National Green Tribunal has restrained several telecom firms from setting them up without following mandatory provisions of law and taking permission from the competent authority. "Considering gravity of allegations levelled and health hazard likely to be caused, we direct that no construction of cell phone communication towers shall be made without following mandatory provisions of law and necessary...
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