-The Hindu The CBI, expanding its coalgate probe, has launched investigations against 300-odd companies and begun questioning officials of the Steel, Coal and Power departments, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, the Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited and the state-run Coal India Limited on allocation of coal blocks between 1993 and 2008. The CBI has laid hands on nearly 700 files from the Coal Ministry, running into 1,60,000 pages,...
A committee to ‘administer’ a ‘market price’ for gas-Sunjoy Joshi
-The Hindu In his article in The Hindu (editorial page, “Making a mockery of domestic gas pricing,” January 18, 2013, Surya P. Sethi attacks the gas pricing formula proposed by the Rangarajan Committee, curiously enough, for being based on numbers from foreign markets that do not reflect the supply, demand or cost of production in India. I say “curiously” because on the exact opposite side, domestic producers are also pillorying the committee’s...
More »Pharma companies to compensate for clinical trial death, injury
-The Economic Times Pharma companies sponsoring clinical trials in India would now need to compensate volunteers in cases of trial-related deaths or injuries. Firms and clinical research organisations failing to pay up, could face suspension of trials and even a permanent ban. The decision to make compensation mandatory in such cases comes four weeks after the Supreme Court chided the government for its sloppy regulation of clinical trials. A senior government official said...
More »Cell tower radiation: SC to hear plea against HC order banning towers from public-use buildings- Kalyan Parbat & Gulveen Aulakh
-The Economic Times Beginning today, the country's highest court will hear petitions filed by telecom-industry lobbies challenging a recent Rajasthan High Court order that directed telecom companies to remove cellphone towers from schools, hospitals, jails and heritage buildings in the state amid claims that tower radiation was harmful. Officials of two leading industry associations, representing mobile operators and telecom tower companies, feel the Supreme Court's verdict in the case could set...
More »People, The Real Estate-Pragya Singh
-Outlook A new land acquisition bill readies for budget session. How will it fare? Bill Of Blights Defines “public purpose” too broadly, allows govt to acquire land for PPPs Less landowner consent required for PPPs than private-only projects The bill’s compensation norms likely to face strict challenges in the courts States have been given R&R powers but could lead to arbitrary outcomes Doesn’t consider govt projects where compensation, R&R are neglected *** The...
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