-The Hindu Court was hearing a challenge to Maratha reservation law New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday was urged to set up a 11-judge Bench to reconsider its 50% cap on reservation. The push for it came while the court was hearing a challenge to the Maratha reservation law. A bunch of petitions contended that the law, which provides 12 to 13 per cent quota for the community in Maharashtra, breached the...
Centre plans ‘1000 springs initiative’ in bid to improve access to water for tribal population
-The New Indian Express In the first phase, a mapping would be carried out of the springs that have dried up. NEW DELHI: The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is planning to launch ‘1000 springs initiative’ in the states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in order to restore dried up streams to make safe and adequate water accessible to the tribal population. In the first phase, the mapping would be carried out of...
More »Differential impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown -Ashwini Deshpande and Rajesh Ramachandran
-The Hindu The resultant distress in India has exacerbated pre-existing structures of disadvantage based on social identity In his book, The Great Leveler, Walter Scheidel, the Austrian economic historian, argues that throughout human history, there have been four types of catastrophic events that have LED to greater economic equality: pandemic, war, revolution and state collapse. Currently, the world is going through one of them: a massive COVID-19 pandemic. In Scheidel’s analysis, the...
More »How the Supreme Court let down poor workers during the pandemic -Gautam Bhatia
-Hindustan Times By effectively insulating employers from paying wages to workers, it has reinforced an unequal power dynamic The coronavirus pandemic — and the measures taken by the central and state governments to contain it over the last five months — has LED to widespread disruption across the country. A substantial part of this disruption is asymmetric in nature; that is, it has disproportionately affected vulnerable and marginalised people, those unable to...
More »Stories of distress from small borrowers -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com * Across India, women borrowers are finding it tough to repay small loans. The next few months will be critical * Unless there is a sharp recovery, MFIs and banks (with micro-loan portfolios) will have to restructure or write off loans though the situation will not be clear until November NEW DELHI: Sarama Koyal does not have a roof over her head. After the Amphan super cyclone ravaged her home in South...
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