-PTI A Jadavpur university professor was arrested today for allegedly posting a cartoon on the internet showing West Bengal chief minister MAMata Banerjee in poor light after she forced out Dinesh Trivedi and put Mukul Roy in his place as railway minister. The arrest of Ambikesh Mohapatra, a chemistry professor, sparked an outrage with opposition CPM and the academic community saying the police action is "highly atrocious" and a "clear assault" on...
Professor under arrest defamed 'respectable people': WB cops
-PTI A professor of chemistry at the Jadhavpur University was today arrested for allegedly spreading derogatory messages against "respectable people" through the internet. "Professor Ambikesh Mohapatra has been arrested for spreading derogatory messages against respectable persons," Deputy Commissioner of Kolkata Police (south suburban division) Sujoy Chanda said. He, however, refused to divulge the names of the 'respectable persons' who have been defamed in the e-mail. He was arrested and taken to the...
More »Delete the errors to save the census by Swati Narayan
Unless data gathering for the Socio Economic and Caste Census is refined, the exercise could cast out the real claimants. Have the census enumerators recently knocked on your door with swanky tablet computers in hand? If they have, it's because they have begun to go door-to-door in most States to complete the final phase of the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC). This MAMmoth exercise is being coordinated by more than...
More »Granaries to graveyards
-The Business Standard Too much grain, and no way to distribute it In about a month from now, the country’s ever-bulging foodgrain stockpile will bloat further to over 75 million tonnes, a record amount. This will be nearly two-and-a-half times the stipulated maximum food buffer. Worse, it will outstrip the available warehousing capacity (covered and open) of 63 million tonnes by a wide margin. Even today, a good part of the present...
More »Intellectuals protest against MAMata government
-CNN-IBN Upset over various incidents ranging from the Park Street rape case to attack on human rights organisations, intellectuals of Kolkata, including a Trinamool Congress MP, on Thursday hit the streets in protest against the 11-month-old Trinamool regime in the state. "There are lots of differences between the old MAMata Banerjee and Chief Minister MAMata Banerjee. The people of this state have thrown away those who have tried to throttle the voice...
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