-The Hindu The Government of India took a major step forward in enabling Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to file applications under the Right to Information Act this week, announcing that it has launched a service called "elPO," or Electronic Indian Postal Order. Using this, NRIs across the world may now be in a position to file RTI applications conveniently via direct payment of fees for the same. According to an Office Memorandum put...
MGNREGA card holders do not have enough info: Survey
-The Times of India JAIPUR: Only 7 per cent of MGNREGA job card holders in the state are aware that if the state is unable to provide work under the Central scheme then they are eligible for an unemploymentallowance. Only 17 per cent are aware about the mandatory 'form 6' that needs to be filled for getting a job under the Act while only 16 per cent know that the work...
More »PIO not penalised, RTI applicant sends back compensation cheque to SIC -Partha Sarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express Researcher Meenal Rege has returned a cheque for Rs 1,000 to the office of the Pune bench of State Information Commission (SIC). This is the second time she is doing so. Rege says the cheque, sent to her by the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) as a compensation on the SIC's order after she was denied information under the Right to Information Act, 2005, had "added insult to my...
More »Governance 2.0 -Smita Gupta
-The Hindu There is no Lokpal yet, but the Centre’s Grievance Redressal Bill promises to cut through bureaucracy and corruption that plague government services. The citizen is hoping for a repeat of the RTI Act story. A year after the UPA came to power in 2004, it brought the Right to Information Act, ushering in a revolution: citizens, for the first time, could access information under the control of public authorities, whether...
More »Anjali Bhardwaj, National Campaign for People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) interviewed by Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu For Anjali Bhardwaj and her colleagues at the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information (NCPRI), the Cabinet nod to The Right of Citizens for Time-Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill marks a significant milestone in their fight for more transparent and accountable governance. The NCPRI co-convenor speaks to Priscilla Jebaraj. * What do you think is most significant about this Bill? Are there...
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