-TheWire.in While 7.17 crore farmers have been registered under PM Kisan, only 4.12 crore – those who registered in the first period – will be eligible to receive all four instalments that will be due by the end of March. New Delhi: Some portion of the money that is likely to remain unspent under PM Kisan could be diverted for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), according to a...
Why RCTs aren't the simple answer to solving India's learning crisis -Martin Haus and Rakesh K Rajak
-TheWire.in The problem with the domination of RCTs in development is the depreciation of other, more relevant findings using different methodologies. This year’s Nobel prize in economics has been awarded to the three researchers Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer, who are well-known for their field experiments in the form of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). But can that methodology make meaningful contributions to solving the problem of our schools failing our...
More »How many farmer producer companies are there in India? -Annapurna Neti and Richa Govil
-TheWire.in Given the increased policy and intervention focus on producer companies, it becomes imperative to understand exactly how many there are. On July 5, 2019, the Centre announced a plan to promote 10,000 new farmer producer companies over the next five years. India already has many such companies, which have been registered since they were introduced in 2002 through an amendment to the Companies Act. While registered under that Act, they have several...
More »Kerala government's scheme targets 'complete literacy' for adivasis of Wayanad -Muhammed Sabith
-TheWire.in The literacy rate among Wayanad’s tribal community is lower than the overall literacy rate of Adivasis in Kerala. Kalpetta, Wayanad: October 20 was a memorable Sunday for a group of 23 college students from different districts of northern and central Kerala studying at Wayanad’s NMSM Government College. The students were visiting Adivasi hamlets for a survey. They were not alone. On the same day, across Wayanad, roughly 3,000 volunteers and officials, including...
More »Malnutrition behind 69% deaths among children below five in India: UNICEF
-TheWire.in The UNICEF report also categorised every second Indian woman as anaemic, noting its prevalence among adolescent girls as twice as that of adolescent boys. New Delhi: Malnutrition caused 69% of deaths of children below the age of five in India, according to a UNICEF report released on Wednesday. In its report titled ‘The State of the World’s Children 2019’, UNICEF said that every second child in that age group is affected by...
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