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CMS VATAVARAN Journalism Awards 2015

The fifth CMS VATAVARAN Young Environmental Journalism Awards is now inviting entries from journalists representing print, broadcast and online media. The last date for receiving the entries is July 31st 2015. The fifth CMS VATAVARAN Young Environmental Journalism Awards is now inviting entries from journalists representing print, broadcast and online media. The CMS VATAVARAN Young Environmental Journalism Awards aim to recognise and reward excellence in environmental journalism by young journalists...

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HUL's 42-crore initiative breathing life into public works under MGNREGA -Naren Karunakaran

-The Economic Times The elders of Pimparkhed in the punishingly dry Marathwada region of Maharashtra remember the severe drought of 1972; it was then that the village had seen water conservation work of some significance being undertaken. Over four decades later nothing has changed; this village of 1,000 residents continue to rely on tankers for its water needs. And Marathwada has turned into an epicentre of farmer suicides in the country;...

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Lessons from an Indian Tribe on How to Manage the Food-Forest Nexus -Manipadma Jena

-IPS News RAYAGADA: Scattered across 240 sq km on the remote Niyamgiri hill range in the eastern Indian state of Odisha, an ancient tribal group known as the Dongria Kondh have earned themselves a reputation as trailblazers. Having fought – and won – a decade-long battle with a British mining giant that invested close to a billion dollars in a bauxite extraction operation in this mineral-rich area, the Dongria Kondh set an...

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Let us now make more food in India -Pulapre Balakrishshnan

-The Hindu Business Line Agriculture development and food security form the foundation of manufacturing growth. Modi must realise this Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s exhortation ‘Make in India’ would make perfect sense till we realise that by ‘making’ he means manufacturing. But could it be that his focus on manufacturing may come a cropper if we do not ensure that agriculture is placed permanently on a sound footing? The history of the great...

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The root of the farm crisis in India -Roshan Kishore Politics and bad economics have led to the current agricultural crisis in India With around 65% of India’s agriculture depending on rain and more than half the population on agriculture, too little or too much rain is always a harbinger of trouble. On occasions like these, accusations of the government of the day being anti-farmer replace all other charges in polemics. Something similar has happened this year, as erratic weather has...

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