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India has 37% of world's illiterate adults

-IANS NEW DELHI: India has by far the largest population of illiterate adults - 287 million or 37 per cent of the global total, said a report released on Wednesday. The "EFA Global Monitoring Report, 2013-14: Teaching and Learning: Achieving quality for All", commissioned by the Unesco, said 10 countries (including India) account for 557 million or 72 per cent of the global population of illiterate adults. "India's literacy rate rose from 48...

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Polio-Free: It took 2 mn footsoldiers and 35 yrs for India to win the battle -Pritha Chatterjee and Santosh Singh

-The Indian Express It was once thought impossible, but a 35-year-fight has won India its biggest public health success story. Raxaul: It was once thought impossible, but two million footsoldiers and a 35-year-fight have won India its biggest public health success story. Pritha Chatterjee & Santosh Singh on how the battle was won and the biggest challenges ahead. It's one of the busiest spots along the porous India-Nepal border. At about 1.30 pm...

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Women's SHGs Need to be Linked to Banks: Ramesh

-Outlook Mumbai: To empower women under the National Rural Livelihood Mission, there is a need to link women's self help groups (WSHGs) to Banks, Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh said. Ramesh, who was in Mumbai to attend an event 'Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Forum' organised by the state government, said the objective of the mission shall not be limited to forming SHGs under the mission but it is necessary to...

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Unkept promise -TK Rajalakshmi

-Frontline The tussle within some Central government Ministries over proposed cuts in the budget for rural development schemes has affected a promise made to senior citizens. THEIR wizened faces said it all. Though there was disappointment, there was also a glimmer of hope that their trek to the national capital would not go in vain. For almost a month, senior citizens, most of them poor, had been pouring into New Delhi from...

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Defending people's milk in India "We take care of the cow and the cow takes care of us," says Marayal, a farmer in Thalavady, Tamil Nadu. Her two cows produce 6 to 10 litres of milk a day, which she sells for 30-40 cents per litre. Across India, there are millions of backyard dairy farmers like Marayal. Each owning just one or two cows, these farmers supply millions more families and hundreds of thousands of informal...

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