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Indian economy is heading for a K-shaped recovery and it won’t be a pretty sight -TN Ninan K-shaped recovery means the growing gap between ‘winners and losers’. An example in India is the stock market being healthy while millions have lost their jobs. Amidst the flood of commentary that followed the finding that the world’s fastest-growing large economy had become its fastest-shrinking one, an observation that stood out was that India’s growth potential had dropped from 6 per cent to 5 per cent. Now, it has been obvious...

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Big rural credit push from RBI, start-ups put in priority sector -George Mathew

-The Indian Express Loan limits for renewable energy, health infrastructure doubled The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday brought financing of start-ups under the priority sector lending (PSL) category of the banking sector, proposed more credit flow to districts with lower PSL, and doubled loan limits for renewable energy and health infrastructure “to align it with emerging national priorities and bring sharper focus on inclusive development.” In a bid to address regional...

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What GDP numbers didn’t tell -Surajit Das Pvt consumption and investment (90% of GDP) have shrunk 35% and revised numbers could present a scarier picture On 31st August, the National Statistical Office (NSO) came out with the provisional estimate of the GDP. According to this, the GDP shrunk by 23.9% during April, May and June as compared with the first quarter of the last financial year (2019-20). Aggregate private final consumption expenditure contracted 26.7% and investment (including gross...

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Why Centre’s Stance on GST Compensation is Utterly Bizarre -Prabhat Patnaik Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman invoking ‘Act of God’ to deny states their promised dues, not only violates an Act of Parliament but also defies economic logic. When the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced, and states virtually gave up the power to levy indirect taxes which they had enjoyed under the Constitution, the Centre had solemnly promised that it would compensate them for five years for any revenue shortfall arising...

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Punjab's Agriculture Sector Can't Rest on its Past Glory -Siraj Hussain From seeds and machinery to livestock and irrigation, the state needs to change the status quo. One eye must be firmly kept on the future. If Punjab’s agriculture sector is to succeed, it has to think beyond short-term crises such as the current pandemic-induced one. For instance, the Expert Group headed by Montek Singh Ahluwalia has made important recommendations about seeds, agricultural research, livestock, dairy and food processing. It has been noted that...

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