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We should not forget that prices which consumers pay are not what farmers get

-The Times of India Union steel minister Beni Prasad Verma's claim, that he was happy with inflation as higher food prices have helped farmers, borders on the ludicrous. A few weeks back P Chidambaram also attracted flak when he said that consumers have to pay more for sugar, rice and wheat as procurement prices are raised to benefit farmers. Linkages between high food prices and farmers' welfare is dubious because there...

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Montek lectures Congress on subsidy slash-Sanjay K Jha

-The Telegraph One Singh has told the Congress what another Singh probably wants to: create a political environment conducive for reducing subsidies. Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia has told Congress MPs that subsidy cuts are essential if India has to preserve its growth momentum — a statement more in line with the known views of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh than the populist line preferred by many Congress leaders. Many Congress MPs,...

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1144 Deaths During Clinical Drug Trials in 2 Years: Govt

-PTI Clinical drug trials in India led to the death of 1144 people in 2010 and 2011, the government today said. The number of people dying during such trials also include 1106 people whose death could be attributed to diseases like cancer, terminal illness or various unrelated causes which is also known as Serious Adverse Event (SAE) of death, Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad told the Rajya Sabha. "The number...

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Reforms, competition in distribution and end to coal monopoly only antidotes to power failures-Arvind Panagariya

-The Economic Times The power failure in India on July 30-31 was big news in US media. When the radio and TV stations began calling with the question whether this spelt the end to India's claims to global-power status, my first reaction was to remind them that a similar failure of the grid in 2003 had drowned the entire Northeast and Midwest in the US and Ontario in Canada into darkness. But,...

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Falling between two stools-AK Bhattacharya

-The Business Standard Beni Prasad Verma is wrong. Food inflation hurts more than 70% of Indian farmers  Poor Beni Prasad Verma! In Lucknow on Monday, Mr Verma, who is the Union minister for steel, spoke not on steel, but on inflation — and kicked up a row that his government, already under stress, could have easily done without. Mr Verma argued that higher prices for agricultural goods meant more gains for India’s...

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