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Farmers’ suicides: ‘Can’t change policy’

Though terming the cause “genuine”, the Supreme Court Friday refused to intervene in a public interest litigation (PIL) highlighting suicide of farmers as a sign of lapse in the nation’s agricultural policy.   “We cannot change the agricultural policy... Show us the law under which we can order a review of the policy and we will direct it. At the end of the day our orders must be enforceable and not just...

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NAC may take U-turn on food security Bill by Nitin Sethi

The National Advisory Council will meet on Friday again to discuss the National Food Security Bill but the basic tablet of principles could be substantially changed with the Sonia Gandhi-LED group taking a U-turn away from its earlier demand for universalisation of the public distribution system. The proposal supported by the Planning Commission, suggesting that the Tendulkar committee figures for those living below the poverty line be the cut off...

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Harassed activist seeks protection from caste abuse by Rahi Gaikwad

Gangadhar Gaikwad writes to Governor after work on his house was stalLED Gangadhar Gaikwad's neighbourhood hates him. His ScheduLED Caste background is a constant source of irritation. And a house that the government decided to build him is a thorn in the flesh. One fine day, construction of the house stopped. “These Mangs [an SC community in Maharashtra] have come and now they want to build a house in front of ours....

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Driven to despair by S Dorairaj

Trade unions and labour rights activists blame the high suicide rate in Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, on the practices of the garment industry. TIRUPUR has carved out a niche for itself in the world of garments. Its phenomenal growth in the highly competitive global scenario, particularly in the past two decades, has been made possible by the entrepreneurial spirit of its manufacturers and exporters and the sweat and labour of thousands of...

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NAC close to finalising Food Security Bill by Smita Gupta

At August 30 meet, it was felt there should be a system of two prices, differential entitlements Since then, NAC Working Group on Food Security has had detaiLED discussions The Sonia Gandhi-LED National Advisory Council (NAC) may be close to finalising the contentious Food Security Bill when it meets here on September 24. Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and officials from Ministries concerned, including Women and Child Development Secretary, will be...

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